Square (in cover) - Move to next cover spot (with Left analog stick).Square (while aiming) - Tap to dive tap to block melee attacks.Square - Tap to jump, climb, or vault over obstacles hold to pick up collectibles or search furniture while hunting, hold to draw animal attention.R3 (weapon wheel) - Maintain weapon hold to look behind.X (horse) - Tap to change speed hold to match the speed of your companion double tap to move up in formation.Left analog + X - Hold to run, tap to sprint.

However, if you’re unfamiliar with Rockstar’s previous open-world titles, then you can find a list of Red Dead Redemption 2 controls for PlayStation 4 below. Red Dead Redemption 2’s control scheme is very similar to those used in other Rockstar games and they're pretty much the same as the original Red Dead Redemption controls. Our handy guide will cover all of Red Dead Redemption 2's PS4 controls, so be sure to read up if you're unsure of what to do. A cowboy who can’t aim or ride a horse is as good as dead, but thankfully all you need to master is your trusty PS4 controller. I also have a PS4.If you’re going to survive in the harsh, brutal lands of Red Dead Redemption 2’s 60+ hour campaign, you’ll need to master the game’s basic controls. I have 1 XBONE controller, and several PS4 controllers. Note: The link above says it now supports rumble. That was a little confusing for me when I'd look at the PS4's button Square, Triangle, X, Circle. And all in game support still references the XBOX button scheme X,Y,A,B.

But there was no rumble support at the time.

It treats the PS4 controller just like a XBOX controller. I tried that a few years back, The guides I saw said I needed to use a free program DS4 to get it to work. Maybe someone who uses the PS4 controller on PC can confirm.

I could be wrong, but I think that those who wish to use the PS4 controller on PC will have to map out their buttons since it only auto ports on Xbox controllers. Other games, keyboard and mouse is the way to go. Most games that I play the controller is the better option for me. I plan on using the Xbox controller for Red Dead Redemption 2.